Monday 6 January 2014

Asthma is the leading cause of chronic illness in children. It affects over 9% of children  for unknown reasons, is steadily increasing. Asthma can begin at any age (even in the very elderly), but most children have their first symptoms by age 5.

Some experts suggest that children spend too much time indoors and are exposed to more and more dust, air pollution, and secondhand smoke. Some suspect that children are not exposed to enough childhood illnesses to direct the attention of their immune system to bacteria and viruses.

according to ayurveda, ( ancestor chakrapani who criticized charaka), he said asthma mainly begins from amashayasmudbhav- that means root cause of asthma is indigestion or not having proper food & lifestyle.

In asthma most doctors treat kapha dosha, but it gives only temporary solutions.
* brihad shankhvati for proper digestion, which contains dry ginger powder, black pepper, shankh bhasma, rock salt etc. Mainly this ayurvedic medicine given in digestive disorders, but it has amazing results in child asthma. doses should be given according to advice of your ayurved physician.
* Brahm rasayan - It contains amla, haritaki, shatavari, brahmi etc, haritaki contains gallic acid, which has anti microbial & anti viral qualities & also strengthens immunity of kids, also helpful in boosting brain power.

Life style changes:
* kids should not be given any chocolates, or any cocoa products in any forms.
* Mothers should avoid giving any maida products like biscuits, noodles, pasta, pizza etc.
* no stale food, also no processed food
* kids should be given only fresh home-made food.
* for toddlers, give them proper food when ever he asks, do not force to eat. mothers should give them food only when they ask.
* make habit to eat proper lunch & dinner, no in between food snacks like noodles n all, give them liquid diet more in form of milk & veg soup( avoid using tomatoes)
* make sure your kid should not be constipated.
*do not give kids ganthoda powder, ginger powder, haldi powder, without consulting ayurved doctor, because every kid may have different tendency.
* ayurveda is miracle only when you follow completely, in emergency allopathy medicines are needed, so our goal is to cure patients, do not let kid suffer. slow, steady & consistent ayurvedic treatment give best results in chronic asthma in kids.